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Wednesday 4 May 2016

  • Ask to speak to the insurance adjuster's supervisor. Be polite but firm, explaining that you sense a stalemate in negotiation and perhaps a fresh pair of eyes on your auto insurance claim may help to resolve this for both parties. Be prepared for push back. However, if a supervisor is requested, the claim adjuster must comply. Move through the process with the supervisor, explaining that it is in both interests to get the claim resolved.
  • Write the State Department of Insurance. Call or write the department of insurance for your state, especially if you find unjust delays in the negotiation process (weeks between offers). This could be deemed bad faith on the part of the insurance company. Copy any documentation you may have and outline your demand in writing and your reason for the complaint (delay in settlement, unjust or low balling offer, etc.)
  • Consider talking with or hiring an attorney. Speaking with an experienced car accident attorney will let you know if your claim's value is in line and if you are on the right track. A car accident attorney can also negotiate all aspects of your claim and may help win you a larger overall settlement. If you engage an attorney, you must cease all communication with the insurance adjuster and refer him or her or any other communication to the attorney.
If you find that you are not moving towards the insurance settlement you need, consider contacting an attorney. A car accident attorney will step into your insurance claim and work with the insurance adjuster to achieve a fair insurance settlement.

How to Avoid a Rejected Claim

The first line of defense against a rejected insurance claim is to document every dollar spent or lost as a result of your accident. Medical bills, prescription receipts, mileage to and from the doctor, old paystubs that can verify your pay rate, car payment records, and repair estimates, will serve as proof of your damages. Insurance adjusters will never, ever, just “take your word for it.” If the adjuster disputes your claim, provide him with the basis for your number. It is entirely possible that the adjuster’s file is incomplete or contains errors. Often, submission of supporting documents accompanied with a detailed letter outlining why the documents support the claim can be enough to get the adjuster to raise their settlement number.

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